Friday, December 7, 2007

Rollin' with Dylan

I am unable to thing of a more intelligent inaugural post for the Night of the Blog brand blog so I am reduced to plugging a film that I recently watched: Todd Haynes' I'm Not There, otherwise known as the Bob Dylan movie.

Be aware; this is not a music biopic ala Ray or Walk the Line or any of those other "-make-music-get-famous-do-drugs-sink-into-despair-before-ultimately-making-a-triumphant-return" kind of movies. I'm Not There is basically a two hour avant garde piece-- an experiment in experience rather than a cookie-cutter tribute to a legendary star. The film might not make a lot of sense, but neither does all of Dylan's music. In fact, I'm Not There might be the most logical kind of Dylan film: the kind that leaves the audience with the power to draw from it what they will.

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