I'm ashamed.
Okay, so I'm not ashamed; I'm insane.
Like hundreds of thousands of other Americans with nothing better to do on a Saturday night, I went and saw the cinema-film I Am Legend, starring box-office sweetheart, Will Smith. The thing is, I didn't come for the Smith. No, I came for the laughs.
You see, before the iMax presentation of I Am Legend there is a six and a half minute sequence from next year's The Dark Knight. And, according to the online community, the sequence would be our reintroduction to the Batman's age old nemesis: the Joker. I knew about this before hand, and given my slightly sick and unabashed love for all things Gotham I absolutely had to see it.
And see it I did. Barely. I kept clapping and hooting the whole damn time. I was like Augustus Gloop in the chocolate store: elated to the point of spraying joy fluids on all the delicious candies, effectively rendering them inedible for all the rest of the children. It wasn't pretty, and I'm certain I've new enemies among the cineplex-visiting elite. Perhaps even some elderly ones and newborns.
But it was the Joker! And he is so... so... awesome!
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