In case you were wondering (and there is no reason you wouldn't), here are my top films of the year two-thousand and eight, in no particular order (or at least no order recognized by the good state of Missouri):
Slumdog Millionaire
The Dark Knight
Iron Man
Synecdoche, New York
Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
Burn After Reading
The Visitor
The Fall
Let the Right One In
American Teen (I missed this one at Sundance)
Tthere were fourteen movies in that list. You won't find many lists with fourteen films on them. I'm just the kind of person to do that. It drives people mad.
Footnote: This list is subject to revisions. I have a poor memory, and like many of the great fascist regimes of our times, history-- even that of film-- is subject to much revision.
Footnote #2: I intent to give discourse on each of these films. And like many of my promises, expect me to forget.
Footnote #3: I really didn't have anything valuable to share. It just felt as if we were lacking an attractive third footnote.