Pac-Man C.E.
Pac-Man exists at a peculiar crossroads in the electronic gaming world. It is both accessible to the masses with it's simplistic gameplay (requiring only one steady hand on the joystick to navigate the Pac around his labyrinthian prison) and accepted by the diehards with it's increasingly challenging gameplay as the speed picks up and ghostly pursuers inch closer. Pac-Man C.E. doesn't attempt to reinvent the mechanics of arcade's earliest icon; instead, it compliments them with a few tweaks (including a timer and constantly changing mazes) and by doing so makes it about a billion times better. Didn't think it was possible? Believe.

Super Mario Galaxy
Every once in a great while, a game comes along to remind you why you ever started playing them in the first place. Super Mario Galaxy is one such title, at once a love letter to the founding mascot of modern console video games and a sort of drugged up, euphoric nirvana; a digital kaleidescope of colors and shapes you might want to pluck from the screen and pop into your mouth like sweet, sweet candy.

This is the reason I bought an Xbox 360. For the uninitiated (and shame on you if you aren't), Bioshock tells the story of Rapture, a fallen utopian society built on very Ayn Rand philosophies of culture and commerce, and weaves an intricate story of deceit, moral ambiguity and the depths to which man might fall if consumed by the things that drive him. Developer 2K Boston/Australia created something quite spectacular with Bioshock, a hybrid of first person, adventure and role-playing genres that serves as a sort of spiritual sequel to Irrational Games previous experiment in fear, System Shock II. Rapture is a joy to explore-- an awesome amalgam of art deco, 1940's architecture and steam punk technology. From the very first minutes of the game and long into the twisting narrative, gamers will be enthralled as they uncover the secrets of Rapture and fall in love with this decrepit, broken and beautiful world.
There were other games I had fun with in 2007, but it was these three that I kept coming back to over and over again. Will 2008 offer up similarly excellent selections? Only time will tell.
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