Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Book

I'm now reading John Updike's Rabbit novels, beginning with Rabbit, Run. This is my first introduction to Updike, so I'm enthusiastic about what I may discover within the book's pages. The Rabbit novels are well-known and critically beloved, so it seems likely that my findings will prove positive. Of course, I didn't care for Harry Potter (not that they are necessarily comparable points of literature).

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Roth Stuff

Having just finished Cormac McCarthy's No Country for Old Men (and prior to that Blood Meridian), I've decided upon a literary change of pace: Philip Roth's Zuckerman trilogy beginning with The Ghost Writer.

I'm currently only forty or so pages into The Ghost Writer but so far I've enjoyed what I have read; Roth has tenacious wit and I'll often catch myself smiling at his clever character observations. This is my first foray into the wonderful world of Roth and it seems his work only gets better from here. If these first pages are any indication, it looks like I'm in for a treat.